Welcome to the Club.
I’m very happy you are here. Soul Ascension, A Revelation Novel is my second book.
video overviews • bookclub guide • live sessions
Ready? Let’s dive straight in!
Watch the videos and read the chapters. Download and print out your bookclub guide, take notes and join the Facebook group.
Week One | Chapter One
Ascension Basics
- On the topic of Surrender: What “dark night of the soul” experience brought you to your knees?
- Do you ever hear yourself speak from your family’s language?
- What negative experiences ended up being huge up-levels?
- Do you believe in magic? What does the word spirituality mean to you?
Week Two | Chapter Two
Ascension Birth
- On the subject of negative self-talk, who is your current team for that?
- What does sovereignty mean to you, and why is it such a buzzword?
- Time for a conspiracy chat: how do you relate to that word, what is your history with it?
- What does the ‘great awakening” mean to you?
Week Three | Chapter Three
Ascension Family
- Let’s talk global consciousness: what is your relationship to the world as it stands right now?
- What are your best and your worst qualities in relationships? Have you ever been ridiculously in love, wounded, tolerant?
- And on that subject of Family: can you name a time you were “betrayed”?
- How have you pivoted in the greatest crisis up-heavels of your life?
Week Four | Chapter Four
Ascension Work
- On the subject of Sacred: have you considered that all areas of your life are each a temple?
- Do you check in to your relationship with spirit, the soul, higher consciousness, divine nature?
- What’s your experience of forgiveness?
- What does enlightenment mean to you? What are your superpowers? And where or how are you feeling called to “ascend”?