Yoga Class with Jaishree

 Every Wednesday at 8pm EST via Zoom

1hr Relaxing Soul Culture
Yoga Flow with Jaishree

Hey Love, in honor of the Equinox and shifting of the seasons, join me for a ZOOM YOGA CLASS this Wednesday September 21 at 8pm EST! 🍁

Radical honesty means being real and vulnerable with your own body on your own mat.

We are moving through 6 planets that have been retrograde, in other words stuck or going backwards. Who needs to move their body with me?!

We’ll also clear our energy field and chant mantras that divinely move and groove our soul. 🎶

Let’s RISE in sweet sacred flow together!

The great turning points of the solar year are powerful times to feel deeply and move in rhythm. Practicing in community amplifies our intention and transformation.

Pre-sign up for the Zoom Link. Sliding scale donation $15-25. See you then!


Praesent imperdiet nisl nunc, non blandit tellus pulvinar ut.


Aenean scelerisque ultrices lacus sit amet vestibulum.

30 Days of Yoga

Ut et sem neque. Nullam lorem lacus, ultrices id tortor quis.

Join Our Virtual Class

Yoga Class with Jaishree Wednesdays at 8pm EST via Zoom

How do Virtual Classes Work?

How do virtual classes work?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce efficitur ex ac quam iaculis accumsan. Curabitur a enim quis risus luctus placerat. Curabitur est diam, lobortis eu nunc porta, viverra euismod nunc.

What equipment will I need?

Proin at sapien vitae erat cursus lobortis eu sed turpis. Etiam nec dui pulvinar, dapibus turpis sit amet, dignissim augue. Nulla sollicitudin dapibus iaculis.

Will classes be recorded and accessible later?

Nulla viverra ante ut pulvinar tincidunt. Suspendisse ante turpis, vehicula in sagittis ac, gravida sed eros. Phasellus finibus velit ex. Ut turpis neque, porttitor mollis pretium sit amet, placerat id quam.

What technology is required?

Nulla viverra ante ut pulvinar tincidunt. Suspendisse ante turpis, vehicula in sagittis ac, gravida sed eros. Phasellus finibus velit ex. Ut turpis neque, porttitor mollis pretium sit amet, placerat id quam.

Passes & Memberships

Single Class Pass


Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur aliquet quam id dui posuere blandit. Proin eget

10 Class Pass


Nulla viverra ante ut pulvinar tincidunt. Suspendisse ante turpis, vehicula in sagittis ac, gravida sed eros. Phasellus finibus velit ex. Ut turpis neque, porttitor.

“This has been a discovery about what yoga is really about. It’s not just about the poses on the mat, but about everything that happens outside and off the mat.”

Nerissa Fry

“I’ve learned how to hold space in ways I never knew I could.”

George Halverson

"Of course, the postures are important but we’re also guided and supported in going inside ourselves. Finding our bliss and what makes us happy."

Alycia Steele

Our Instructors
