Ghosts Are Getting In The Way Of You Doing Your Soul Thing
You are meant to do amazing things.
Your heart and your energy deserve dedication, navigation, and mercy that comes from other beautiful benevolent souls.
Ghosts are getting in the way of you doing your Soul Thing.
I don’t mean the kind of ghosts where the subtle body of a human is hanging around after the body dies. (Those can be annoying and I have a referral for that 🙂
I mean the ghosts of your past that cover your soul’s true purpose of happiness.
False beliefs have no power themselves.
You have all the responsibility to deny them entry to your heart. Let’s be honest, we consent. How? We say yes when we mean no. We say no when we mean yes.
We let them in, they pile up. Triggers are inevitable.
You living your exquisite realizations is the best possible manifestation. It’s your beautiful service to the world.
Ready for that? Ready for
you to manifest AND live your bliss?
Ready to get what you want, all without forgetting your sweet, humble godspark?
Which is to say, you’re meant to be in love. You are love.
Slay ghosts. Fall in love with God, Guru, Gospel, Teachers, Tribe – basically everyone and anyone.
But it begins and ends with YOU.
Yes, you’ve done that work before in this life or another. Yes, it’s the most blessed time to be on earth. Yes, there is opportunity everywhere. But the time to catch the spark is NOW.
So how do you do it? Soul Mapping is a 3 step process: Master embodying the triggers (1) so you can pivot in the portal of it (2) and then align with your highest soul’s potentiality (3).
Without losing all the juice and spontaneity of life that makes all the adulting worth it.
Your triggers are coming, your karma is coming, your problems are coming. It’s up to you to shift your mindset and embrace them as portals into growth, or allow the ghosts of past and pain to float on through.
In Clarity, Flow and Love,

PS – Do you want exquisite space held for YOU to call in all the beautiful and fierce courage you need to banish the ghosts holding you down from your highest vibrational life? Let’s talk.
Let’s Talk About
Your Soul Mapping!
I am inviting you to schedule a FREE CALL with me, where I will guide you on the next steps to applying the Soul Mapping Matrix™
Join the conversation. Leave your comment.
Soul Mapping has an amazing effect on the people
that work with me. Read their stories!
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Curious to know if
Soul Mapping is for you?
Soul Mapping is a process for shifting your mind’s negative programming, so that you not only heal old wounds but actually replace them with spiritual confidence.
For real and forever. (Let’s chat about it)
What happens during our call?
You’ll receive some pointers to start applying to your life and see results right away!
01. Becoming Aware
When we become aware of our triggers, we create the foundation to use them as portals for our growth.
02. Learning the Tools
We pivot towards clarity of what you want so that stress is relieved and trust is established.
03. Embody Ascension
We highlight your ascension by embodying your transformative decisions that guide your next steps, in flow.