AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 21 February 2021

Are You A
Different Person

Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School.

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Hey Gorgeous! Happy Moon-Day evening.

Sometimes you have to go very far on the path before you remember who you are, who you truly are. Are you exhausted yet? We’ve all experienced trauma at an immaculate rate. Like waves in the ocean that keep coming, it’s been rough.

And really. I think we’re ready.

Call it the eclipses, the awakening, the pandemic, or just HUMAN GROWTH. Reality is that when we do not feel met and held, there’s a tear in the fabric of our soul. And yet. The renaissance is coming.

How’s your heart, love?


Ascension is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

What do you want? Do you want to speak your truth? Want to heal? Want to end generational trauma? LOVE and integrate your lessons?


Ready for that? Ready for
you to manifest AND live your bliss?

Ready to get what you want, all without forgetting your sweet, humble godspark?

Kalā and I were honored to be invited to lead, among masters in their own industries, at a gorgeous event this weekend. The cross pollination of sweetness, sovereignty and soul cultured folks was a huge F*&^ing BOON to our hearts. It was a response to the awakening we’ve been doing individually and collectively. 

(( I was reminded of psychic prowess, as well as my potty mouth while teaching)).  #didIreallysayfuck4times

It started with a simple question: who is exhausted? Who is exhausted from psychic abilities awakening? From fighting with family? From being the black sheep in the room? From aging? From healing? From isolation? From new depression, addiction(s) surfacing, lack of vitality, or trauma?

I reminded them to breath. Kalā played music. We mirrored each other’s pain and glory, our sweetness and our courage, and most importantly our powerful, beautiful, healed future selves.


How do you transform? Self-care.

We are working in activism, education, protection, caretaking, death, lawsuits, and protests. We are private business owners and non-profit. We are government and big tech, artists and parents.  We are not right nor wrong. We’re human beings. We are in this, together.

Ready to go through the transformation and get glorious already?

For the first time in many years, I’ve opened 2 sliding-scale Soul Mapping Sessions per week into my schedule.

This heeds the call to those who hear LET’S DO THIS! in your soul to finally transform the gunky leaks into power, clarity, flow and love.

I’m talking Sacred Sovereign Radical Divine Love

Live Life Consciously,
In Clarity, Flow and Love,

PS – Ready for total transformation? Schedule a FREE CALL Destiny Call HERE to see if a 3month 1:1 Individual or 2:2 Couples Mentorship is Right for you.

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Let’s Talk About
Your Soul Mapping!

I am inviting you to schedule a FREE CALL with me, where I will guide you on the next steps to applying the Soul Mapping Matrix™

Join the conversation. Leave your comment.


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that work with me. Read their stories!

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Curious to know if
Soul Mapping is for you?

Soul Mapping is a process for shifting your mind’s negative programming, so that you not only heal old wounds but actually replace them with spiritual confidence.
For real and forever. (Let’s chat about it)

What happens during our call?

You’ll receive some pointers to start applying to your life and see results right away!

01. Becoming Aware

When we become aware of our triggers, we create the foundation to use them as portals for our growth.

02. Learning the Tools

We pivot towards clarity of what you want so that stress is relieved and trust is established.

03. Embody Ascension

We highlight your ascension by embodying your transformative decisions that guide your next steps, in flow.

Are You A Different Person Yet?