Your Presence Is Magic. Pure And simple.

Your Presence Is Magic. Pure And simple.

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 24 April 2022  Your Presence Is Magic. Pure And Simple.   Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. Juicy topics are...
Surrender or Sacrifice? Your Power In Presence.

Surrender or Sacrifice? Your Power In Presence.

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 17 APR 2021 Surrender or Sacrifice?   Power in Presence. Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. Sovereignty is another...
What’s Your Origin Story?

What’s Your Origin Story?

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 3 APR 2022 What’s YourOrigin Story? Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. Travel, Forest, Study, Festivals, Fires,...
Do The Bold Thing

Do The Bold Thing

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 20 MAR 2022 Do TheBold Thing Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. Dear One,   What does it mean to you, to do the bold...
How Are You Dealing With Your Anger Intentionally?

How Are You Dealing With Your Anger Intentionally?

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 14 MAR 2022 How Are You Dealing With Your Anger Intentionally? Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. On the subject of...
Full Moon Ugly Cry Funny Meditation

Full Moon Ugly Cry Funny Meditation

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 17 JAN 2022 Full Moon(Ugly Cry)Funny Meditation Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. You know all that work you do to...
How do you shift in the drama?

How do you shift in the drama?

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 20 Dec 2021 How do you shift in the drama? Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. What can make your holiday different...
Are You A Different Person Yet?

Are You A Different Person Yet?

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 21 February 2021 Are You ADifferent PersonYet? Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. Hey Gorgeous! Happy Moon-Day...
Planets are direct. Are you?

Planets are direct. Are you?

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 19 Oct 2021 The Planets Are Direct. Are You? Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it. Planets that just went direct this...