For The Dads
Let’s talk about Fathers, Men and Education.
Let’s talk about girls and fathers, boys and fathers, wives and fathers. Who is supporting the fathers? Where is the tradition? Where is the place they go back to? And then where is the female, Shakti, maternal, and yet visionary and empowered guidance they go back to?
Why is Patriarchy even a thing? How do we not separate, but ADD these most vital practices back into a society that has been labeled – or programmed – to think they don’t exist anymore?
Men are Men and Women are Women – and anything and anyone in between – sure, ye. But all of that and any of that is secondary to the actual truth: you are a soul. You are an eternal part and parcel of divinity.
So let’s start the conversation here.
You are a soul. Man or Woman or any other pronoun or body/mental identity, first and foremost and always – go back to being a soul.
In that consciousness, you are always held, you are always supported, respected, loved and nurtured. As a soul, you are always able to find father and mother in divine qualities, in the teachings, in the poetry, in your neighbor, in your family. It’s hard work, but it’s your work. So you must look and seek and be greedy to find that, yes! No doubt! But if you remember, if we can remember, that we are Souls first – we will not get so damn lost when we get triggered.
Perception is real. Feelings are Real. But how many times have you thought: “I am ready to change this perception of myself. I am no longer (weak, pained, addicted… whatever)” but then you don’t change the habits to make that new perception a feeling.
Feeling needs to match perception, my Love.
Ready for that? Ready for
you to manifest AND live your bliss?
Ready to get what you want, all without forgetting your sweet, humble godspark?
Here’s my truth and the only gift I can share with you: We created the Soul Culture Yoga School to do this, to remember our truth as souls, and support greed for happy soul consciousness. (Happiness is a byproduct of this, as is confidence, clarity, flow, ease.)
We teach this also in the Soul Mapping Matrix, in mentorship, and in group retreats. The container for being a “yoga teacher”, for example, is just that – a container to embody first principles that enhance your divine qualities as a god-spark.
We guide you in navigating your pain – all the time – by teaching eternal wisdom principles in a LOVING MOOD.
Because it’s all about mood.
Shout out to the Fathers Today. Shout out to my husband, who does the work everyday to remember that he is a soul – no matter his pain or trauma. And actually, because of it and with it, he knows it’s a gift. He is a supreme soul being and he navigates running a business, being a homeschool teaching Dad, and husband and Bhakta sevaka. He is so amazing.
Shout out to you. For showing up. For engaging. And for remembering yourself as a soul – and maybe even feeling that 😉
And shout out to anyone who wants to make this year YOUR YEAR to connect your perception (of being awesome, worthy, a teacher, a leader whatever and all of it!) to the FEELING of being that.
Consider joining us for the next level journey in the Soul Culture Yoga School, or Soul Mapping Mentorship, or go visit the Soul Mapping Matrix course on-line for only $97 (that’s a steal! Be Greedy and Go take it!)
In clarity, flow and love,
Let’s Talk About
Your Soul Mapping!
I am inviting you to schedule a FREE CALL with me, where I will guide you on the next steps to applying the Soul Mapping Matrix™
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Soul Mapping has an amazing effect on the people
that work with me. Read their stories!
How My Marriage Led To A Second Date.
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Turning Anger Into Bliss
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You Are Not Your Neurosis
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Curious to know if
Soul Mapping is for you?
Soul Mapping is a process for shifting your mind’s negative programming, so that you not only heal old wounds but actually replace them with spiritual confidence.
For real and forever. (Let’s chat about it)
What happens during our call?
You’ll receive some pointers to start applying to your life and see results right away!
01. Becoming Aware
When we become aware of our triggers, we create the foundation to use them as portals for our growth.
02. Learning the Tools
We pivot towards clarity of what you want so that stress is relieved and trust is established.
03. Embody Ascension
We highlight your ascension by embodying your transformative decisions that guide your next steps, in flow.