Happy Independence (and Interdependence) Day

Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School.

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Hello Beautiful Soul! In the United States of America, we honor today as Independence Day. My meditation today had me ask:

What has taken you your whole life to figure out?

In the Soul Culture Yoga School, as well as in Soul Mapping Matrix Program, there’s an eternal wisdom principle we quote all the time – accintya bedha abedha tattva. It means “the inconceivable truth that it’s a both one and separate world”. Always. There are always two ends of a spectrum. Illusion and Reality. Pain and Bliss. It’s feminine, soft, easy; and masculine, hard, complicated – etcetera etcetera. 

It’s your story and it’s their story.

So where do we meet? Where does your story become my story, in real-time?

Of course, we know it meets in relationship. In remembering. In being present to the big picture while embracing the little one.

That is why we honor our independence while in community!

We celebrate freedom, individual and collective, by being together. In humanity. Remembering the most powerful force that lies in the middle. LOVE.

Ready for that? Ready for
you to manifest AND live your bliss?

Ready to get what you want, all without forgetting your sweet, humble godspark?

What took me my whole life to figure out? Happiness. That I am in relationship to everyone and everything through Happiness.  It is but one word to describe my goal. Happiness may not be your word, but it describes both my sovereignty as a sacred individual as well as living in harmony with everyone else.

How boring would it be, actually, without our independence?

Is that why we fight?

Talking about fighting is part of the conversation. Science, Trauma, Drama, Yoga, Cooking, Play, Work – these words have unique meanings for each of us.

The question is – does your language match your landscape? Is your emotional, mental, and physical self matching your highest vision? Are your personal rules and regulations in honor with the collective and at what point do you veer off from the collective to honor your individual?

Most important, are you honoring yourself as an individual in moments of collective trigger? Are you honoring the community as a whole even when you don’t agree as an individual?

Are you having this conversation?

In a world and time where everything is potentially triggering – are we touching the subjects that need to be touched?  Is there anything off the table? How important is the freedom to talk about the uncomfortable issues, and how do we exercise that freedom? How do we do it?

Our business is our personal practice. We talk about these issues in Soul Mapping Matrix as well as the Soul Culture Yoga School while simultaneously celebrating hard core. One reflects the other, in our world and in our relationships.

What has taken you your whole life to figure out? 

Today and Everyday, We love you. God-Bless You, God-Bless the World, God Bless All Souls, and especially today – God Bless America ♥


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Curious to know if
Soul Mapping is for you?

Soul Mapping is a process for shifting your mind’s negative programming, so that you not only heal old wounds but actually replace them with spiritual confidence.
For real and forever. (Let’s chat about it)

What happens during our call?

You’ll receive some pointers to start applying to your life and see results right away!

01. Becoming Aware

When we become aware of our triggers, we create the foundation to use them as portals for our growth.

02. Learning the Tools

We pivot towards clarity of what you want so that stress is relieved and trust is established.

03. Embody Ascension

We highlight your ascension by embodying your transformative decisions that guide your next steps, in flow.

Happy Independence (and Interdependence) Day