Raincheck? It’s Now or Never
It took me thirty years of dedicated artistry and hard-ass work just to come to one realization by meeting my Gurudeva: everything led up to Right Now.
Everything has been going on for eternity because you only have this one soul.
Every religion studied, every song sang, every friend you’ve ever met – you probably already studied, sang or met before.
So what’s the point? If we live in multiple universes and timelines, with many lifetimes, what does it matter?
Bliss. Happiness. Being in balance with Nature is not mundane. It’s the total package, the cherry on top, it’s the dream.
Your soul’s nature is to desire, to be in service, and both of those look kind of glorious from the inside – together.
All said and done, if I hadn’t busted my butt studying all the things, traveling all over the world, begging for help if I needed, and offering love even when in pain – I wouldn’t be here Right Now.
I wouldn’t know what sovereignty is, that being sacred and magical and moody and glorious is all part of the divine’s drama play. I wouldn’t know that the material world drama play is none of my business except when it speaks to me living my dharma.
Ready for that? Ready for
you to manifest AND live your bliss?
Ready to get what you want, all without forgetting your sweet, humble godspark?
I wouldn’t know how to say “NO” to this and that. I would be saying YES to everything, I wouldn’t practice discernment. I’d be a slave to something, to someone.
So that Raincheck you’ve been holding onto, so many times of not doing something because you weren’t such and such enough, or this wasn’t the right time – Now is that Time.
You have a path laid out for you and you have free will. But the longer you wait to do the things that are brave or uncomfortable despite the fact that they speak from your soul, the longer you wait to feel the other side of that brave or painful thing.
And that feeling – some might call it – among other things, is sheer bliss.
What’s that thing your soul is calling you to do? Dare to just do it.

Let’s Talk About
Your Soul Mapping!
I am inviting you to schedule a FREE CALL with me, where I will guide you on the next steps to applying the Soul Mapping Matrix™
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Soul Mapping has an amazing effect on the people
that work with me. Read their stories!
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Curious to know if
Soul Mapping is for you?
Soul Mapping is a process for shifting your mind’s negative programming, so that you not only heal old wounds but actually replace them with spiritual confidence.
For real and forever. (Let’s chat about it)
What happens during our call?
You’ll receive some pointers to start applying to your life and see results right away!
01. Becoming Aware
When we become aware of our triggers, we create the foundation to use them as portals for our growth.
02. Learning the Tools
We pivot towards clarity of what you want so that stress is relieved and trust is established.
03. Embody Ascension
We highlight your ascension by embodying your transformative decisions that guide your next steps, in flow.