AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 21 February 2021

The Landscape Has Always Been Lush And Gold

Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School.

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Sharon is a star at getting shit done.

You might call her an expert at living well and being busy.

A hard working, devoted mother of four, she’s learned to love cooking. She’s an awesome listener as a wife, and she has a masters in teaching. She’s kept her high-school relationships. And she considers herself a healed Catholic turned yoga enthusiast who loves the idea of Peace on Earth.

She also cannot speak to a single person in her family anymore without the conversation ending up in rage, tears, and a backache that lays her out for days.

The world is insanely polarized. The political, religious, and basic views of family members that weren’t perfect before are now painful and depressing. The energy covers Sharon’s usual positive disposition to the point of not being able to serve at all.

And of course, Sharon has worked traditional therapy and self-help. She dove deep into her own story and past of physical pain, people pleasing, giving up her own needs, struggling with money, and of not valuing herself.

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But the real enemy is the spiritual suicide.

In 2020, Sharon cut herself off from the tools and team that worked in the past in order to “keep the peace”. It’s literally killing her soul, ruining her bank account, and separating her emotionally from the people she’s in love with.

I met Sharon years ago and had my first conversation with her then. She always remembers how she recognized in a minute that what we experienced, the beauty between us for her body, mind, and soul was what she wanted.

That it was real. And in 2020, she woke up to her truth, that the teachers, coaches, and experts she had worked with had got her ready for us to Soul Map.

So we did – she committed to Soul Mapping Mentorship for 3 months. She loved every minute of it, made it her habit and took it into her meditation. And she quantum leapt, saving her marriage and re-uniting her family relationships. Most importantly she gained complete confidence in recognizing how to pivot from pain to bliss.


She told me that Soul Mapping taught her to recognize exactly why she couldn’t get what she wanted: it’s a both-and world.

There is a map to the buried treasure of your deepest sweetest desires and dreams. Your true identity is gorgeous. It’s your landscape and lens that’s messed up.

If you can’t see it, you don’t own it, and you are like a ship floating in the sea.

Sharon now owns her life in the moment, she is expert at living beautifully.

You have dreams. You are spiritual psychic power and you can live in divine timing and flow. You are magic. The secret is not a secret, your true devotional relationship – to everyone, in every moment – is your bliss.

Sharon is not going backwards, no matter the landscape. She re-gained all her effort, she dropped the people, places, and ideas that felt like stabs to her soul, and she got back her spiritual sovereignty to serve, share, and repeat.

Welcome to the Soul Mapping Matrix. It’s a map that is repeatable, relatable and reliable. It’s a blueprint for your soul to go along with your free will.

It’s about your choice. What are you choosing?


Thank you, I love you! More to come…

In Clarity, Flow, and Love,

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Your Soul Mapping!

I am inviting you to schedule a FREE CALL with me, where I will guide you on the next steps to applying the Soul Mapping Matrix™

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Curious to know if
Soul Mapping is for you?

Soul Mapping is a process for shifting your mind’s negative programming, so that you not only heal old wounds but actually replace them with spiritual confidence.
For real and forever. (Let’s chat about it)

What happens during our call?

You’ll receive some pointers to start applying to your life and see results right away!

01. Becoming Aware

When we become aware of our triggers, we create the foundation to use them as portals for our growth.

02. Learning the Tools

We pivot towards clarity of what you want so that stress is relieved and trust is established.

03. Embody Ascension

We highlight your ascension by embodying your transformative decisions that guide your next steps, in flow.

The Landscape Has Always Been Lush And Gold