I chose ascension a long time ago
I am honored to support yours

Hello Soul!

My passion is the art and science of relationship. I’ve supported thousands with results. I love it. I promised my beloved Gurudeva to serve, so I do.

I am old enough to embody the memory of this world before the technocratic age, and that helps in this epic process of rediscovering bliss.

My superpower is seeing, hearing, and feeling the moments in between the moments.

What I teach is nothing new. I pass on vedic science, primordial healing, intuition and shakti energy to mentor folks who wish to shift their reality to a higher frequency. I do this through private coaching, a yoga certification school, mantra music, and writing books.

Is there a secret? Of course there is!

The tools we choose in every moment define our destiny. Are you ready?

Now is the time! Own your birthright.

Let’s Do This,


Commit. Meditate. Manifest.

Introducing Soul Mapping Matrix™: A 2 week self-discovery course that teaches you how to use your triggers as catalysts for bliss transformation.



Unique Style, Ancient Philosophy. Our work together may include the following elements

Let's Schedule an Intro Call

I have no agenda but to support the glory of who you are
Work With me


Life in the Goddess Lane:

Resilience is Spiritual Badassery

Resilience is Spiritual Badassery

AS THE SOUL MAGIC UNFOLDS | 5 FEB 2023 Resilience is Spiritual Badassery. Jaishree Dow-Spielman Mystic Healer and Spiritual Educator • Creator of the Soul Mapping Matrix and the Soul Culture Yoga School. Read it. Love it. Share it....

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Music & Kirtan

The highest vibration we can all attune to is sound

by KaláShree (2013)

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